Free front sent from Meynooth to Dublin, dated Dec 31st 1839
Addressed to Miss Caroline Hamilton, 37 Dominick St, Dublin
Markings Ref (Stanley Gibbons 9th Ed) – Irish Free Mark dated JA-1-1840 with “F” 1A/41, p7, value doubled as 1840 date (£100)
Signed by “Leinster”
Augustus Frederick FITZGERALD, 3rd Duke of Leinster (1791-1874)
1831-74 – Lord Lieutenant of Leinster
1804-74 – Duke of Leinster
Augustus Fitzgerald was Grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of Ireland (Freemasons) from 1813 to 1874, and was also Lord High Constable of Ireland for the coronations of William IV and Queen Victoria
Maynooth is the location of the Duke of Leinster’s ancestral home